===============================================================<27/01/99>=== | | | T h e R e v e n g e P a c k v4.04aI | | | | B y Z z z b l a | | | ============================================================================ Hi all!! This is the FINAL version of The Revenge Pack(unless there are bugs...) -- YES! This version got everything, because I can't think of anything else I can add... This version got only one feature more than the last v3 Revenge Pack(v3.21SP1), but the change is huge... The Revenge Pack I is configured and installed by the avenger (use it if you have physical access to the computer. If you don't, you'd rather use The Revenge Pack II). Well... as usual, I'll start with the prank list... This version contains 18 pranks: - Random Beep: PC-Speaker beep, at random... just once in a while... (might not work with all computers...) - Background on Top: The Revenge Pack will load the desktop bitmap on top of everything. There will be no taskbar, desktop icons, or other programs visible. Ctrl-ESC, Alt-Tab and Ctrl-Alt-Del menus will be disabled as well. How to get rid of it? Either wait(random timer), or click the top-left corner of the screen. - Real-time Swap Mouse Buttons: The Revenge Pack will swap the mouse buttons(left-right...) The Uninstaller restores the old mouse configuration(the one before you had The Revenge Pack loaded). - Close applications at random: The Revenge Pack can send Alt-F4 to programs, and after that 'Y' and Enter(to save work). On Windows 95(maybe on NT too... Don't have it to check), it can also shutdown windows(if your focus is on the taskbar/desktop). - Open common windows dialogs: Opens "Save As", "Color" and "Open" dialogs at random. - Disable the Taskbar: The Revenge Pack can disable the taskbar, and make it invisible for a while(and then enables it again...) - Shutdown Windows: The Revenge Pack can use Windows' function to shut it down. If a program in which the work hasn't been saved is loaded, it will ask the user to save work(and then shutdown can be canceled). - Random error messages: Currently 22 error messages. Real error messages(no real error occurs) taken from Windows "Error database" =) - Random funny messages: Currently 51 funny messages. Messages like "User IQ not found." etc. - Run applications at random: The Revenge Pack will, once in a while, run a program from drive c:. (EXE files only). - Write Stuff in NotePad: This will also happen only once in a Windows session. The Revenge Pack will writes one out of three messages in notepad and threaten to save it as windows\Sucks! - Open and close CD Drive(aka coffee cup) at random: CD Drive will be opened and immediately closed at random(twice every time) - Set clipboard text every minute: Clipboard text will be set every minute, to a string you type(it can also be deleted everytime). Then, after someone copies some words in Word for example, and tries to paste it, he'll get your string. - Change background picture to a Llama picture: Once in a session prank. (The picture is in systry.exe and can be ripped using MRIP). - Swap start menu shortcuts: Swaps shortcuts so (for instance), the shortcut that says "Microsoft Word" will point to "Norton Disk Doctor" and vice versa. (nothing is deleted, and when TRP is uninstalled, your old shortcuts will be restored). Errors might occur if shortcuts that have been swapped were deleted by user. - Mouse accelerator Reversed "Mouse motion reverse". It Makes the mouse move faster(speed calculated by the speed you move the mouse). It's not like changing motion speed in the control panel, because it's not about speed, but acceleration. If you stop moving the mouse cursor, it'll take some time to stop the cursor. (Occurs for one minute every time the prank is run). - Plays with NumLock/CapsLock/ScrollLock Once in a while one of the locks will be turned on or off (XORed state) and sometimes they'll all turn on and off randomally every 0.2 second for 10 seconds... =) - Load Control Panels at random Just like "Run Applications", but for Control Panels(which aren't real executables). Installation guide: Copy setup.exe, systry.~xe and sysconf.~xe to the victim's computer and run Setup. Click the button, and after the program is installed, the Configuration program(Sysconf) will run. There, you choose which pranks will work. (if you press [Just Exit] all pranks will be enabled). In the configuration program you can also set the frequency in which the pranks will run. Next time Windows is restarted the Revenge Pack will also run. (Now... the configuration program needs a password... the password is "einav" - no quote marks!) Known bugs: None!!! (is that a good sign?!?!) =P This version works under all 32bit versions of Windows(not including Win32s). TRP needs VB5 runtimes. If you don't have them, get them here: ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/MSVBVM50.EXE Other issues: If you have any comments, bug reports or if you think there's something I should add(anything! from another error message to a totally new feature) please let me know. My E-mail address and webpage's URL are at the bottom of this text file. Don't forget to "hide"(or put the uninstaller only on your computer) the uninstaller because It'll be stupid if everybody will be able to uninstall The Revenge Pack. One last thing - Do not try to run The Revenge Pack by yourself - it won't work =P... History: v1.0á (XX/XX/XX) - First Release v1.0 (08/01/98) - Major bug fix(Program file rename-couldn't be installed) v1.1 (10/01/98) - Some small changes(errors added, etc.) - Some stuff written in the config and setup progs changed. v2.0 (15/04/98 - was written a month ago or so... but then i was gone to poland) - Program is now installable =) (yeah i know... i should've checked it out when we released the first beta... the prob is that noone said anything 'bout it... and i didn't think i should change the filename in the setup.exe... hehehehehehe...) - one OCX was removed from the pack(decided to write the regcrap myself...) - setup is smaller and a li'l faster. v2.01 (28/04/98) - Modification to the Setup program(so it'll install on old versions) - Some additions to the Revenge Pack(funny messages, error messages) v2.10 (24/05/98) - Setup removes older versions of The Revenge Pack and its ocx's - reminder -- I gotta pay some more attention when i try to code this shit. this is probably a working version of The Revenge Pack... (it happens only because i don't have beta testers dammit!) v3.0 (13/07/98) - The working version. =) - Tested all routines and coded some of them all over... - Added "frequency" thingy. - Next version would be either v3.0SP with new features, or v3.1 with more bug fixes(i hope not!) v3.1 (26/07/98) - Added 4 new features - Open/Close CD, Swap shortcuts, Llama picture, Change clipboard text. - Added messages to Funny Messages. - frequency thing works 100% now. - Registry handling routines re-coded. - This version works fine with Win9x(95 and 98), but refuses to work under WinNT's... If you got WinNT and want to help me with making a working NT version, E-mail me. v3.11 (29/07/98) - Learnt some more API calls and removed the OCXs! =) - Tested TRP some more cause people told me there are some probs... found none... =) - Fixed some stuff I forgot to fix the last time... - Coded an Uninstaller... E-mail me to get the URL =P v3.12 (19/08/98) - Fixed some "bugs" in SETUP (now it doesn't crash when TRP is already installed...) - added some registry routines to SETUP (so TRP will run also if someone forgets the password after installing it and then doesn't configure it). - next version would probably have some more features... but it'll take time... ("All we need is just a little patience..." - GnR) v3.20 (31/08/98) - Replaced "Fuck WinConfig" feature with RealTime "Swap mouse buttons". - Replaced "Randomally crash Windows" with "Shutdown Windows" (no evil stuff... hehehe...) - 2 New features - Mouse Accelerator and Keyboard locks on/off(read more in the features section) - Changed "Hide Taskbar" a li'l... nothing that matters to users... =) - When TRP is uninstalled, everything will return to be like it was before TRP... (shortcuts, registry values, mouse buttons thingy...) - TRP's code is now readable... =) - Tested everything again... v3.21 (04/09/98) - Forgot to remove BETA TESTING routines before i compiled v3.2... so everything went really fast in v3.2... it's fixed... =) - Fixed a bug with the mouse accelerator(it could become too fast) - Fixed a bug in the uninstaller...(it wouldn't restore the old background picture) v3.21 SP1 (09/09/98) - some very small bugs, not worth mentioning were fixed... (i don't think they change much, if at all...) v4.00 (27/11/98) Tons of changes... so we're gonna go over each file... =) - Systray(The Revenge Pack program file): - New feature - random controls. - Added 1 error message and 7 funny messages. - Only one instance can be run at the same time now(so there will never be share errors). - TRP now uses a timer array instead of 5 different timers(faster to load and smaller). - New routines for Run App at random and Swap shortcuts(same one used in new feature - Random Controls as well). - Finally fixed TRP's error messages(the real ones, where trp couldnt load... they were in loop since version 1.0 beta.. hehehe). - New concept used in random messages/errors... faster and smaller... - Reduced size in 16kb(lots of code optimization... also reduced llama pic's data size, while there's almost no difference between the new pic and the old one)!!! - SysConf(The Revenge Pack configuration file): - A whole new concept been used! control array instead of lotsa stupid controls. - Reduced size in 9kb while increasing speed!! - Uninstrp(The Revenge Pack uninstaller): - Shuts down The Revenge pack prior to uninstalling, or asks you to close it, before it trys to restore configuration(because if TRP is running, while the uninstaller works, there might be some sharing problems, although they're very rare...) - Uninstalls new feature as well. - Setup(The Revenge Pack setup file): - Optimized code so much that size was reduced in 11kb! - Changes in all files: - Tons and tons of code optimization. - Added tons of rem lines(code will probably be released to the public domain in mid 1999) - Started using constants... hehehehe... - Finally -- support for WinNT!! v4.01 (25/12/98) - better string handling (faster+smaller) - new error/funny messages routines - added message on termination from task manager(so you'll know which "systray" you closed...) v4.02 (01/01/99) - nothing different but version number and copyright years.. hehe... - just kidding... i just compressed the files so the EXE files are much smaller(but there was no code optimization)... total of 80kb gone!! v4.03 (12/01/99) - added icons to all files. - The Revenge Pack is now using my own(new) recursive dir routines instead of stupid shells to command.com (smoother code) - scanning all drives for executables and not only C:\ v4.04 (27/01/99) - Fixed a stupid bug(couldn't operate if tried to run from root). - Made The Revenge Pack more compatible with weird Windows installations. v4.04a (29/01/99) - fixed a most embarrassing bug... sowwy... =) Thanks go to: Andreas Waechter - For some funny errors I ripped from a site. R.J. - For CD open/close api calls, and more... =) Marko Jokinen - For providing info about win98 David Krmpotic - For sending suggestions for features =P Kiattikun Wattananukij - For sending info about win98 Greets fly to: My family, Aviv, Mental, Andreas and others for mental support... =) To contact me: E-mail me at qsnuff@hotmail.com Visit my site at Visit my site at http://virtualave.net/ Send me a message in ICQ - UIN 9722789(please, please try E-mail first!) (messages regarding TRP will be answered only by E-mail so don't expect to get an answer through ICQ...) Have fun, Zzzbla